Motion graphics created for Catalyst, an educational television series created by Arizona PBS about current science research and happenings in Arizona. After researching the company and the audience, creative briefs were created and followed to produce a bumper, a short transition animation featuring the program’s name, as well as a set of animated lower thirds to be used to convey headlines and the names of people speaking on screen to the audience.
The final animations were created in Adobe After Effects.
Watch the animated bumper on YouTube: Catalyst Bumper
Watch the lower thirds aniamtion YouTube: Catalyst Lower Thirds
The creative brief was the result of inital research and some early design decisions including fonts and colors. Gold was chosen as the main colors in this case becasue of it's strong associations with Arizona PBS' branding, with teal chosen as a contrasting accent color.
View the whole creative brief through Google Docs: Creative Brief
Guided by the creative brief, the next step was to create a series of storyboards to work out the action in each animation.
Below are the storyboards for the bumper and each of the lower third animations.